Z600 E

magazzino elettronico Z 600 E

Z600 E
Great versatility and easy to integrate in all existing production lines. Built with the highest quality standards, gives maximum flexibility and will increase your job productivity.
Best to be used to feed tape edge machines with stationary position and storage before wrapping machines or cleaning desks.
Z600 E warehouse is manufactured with a “modular concept” to be perfectly adaptable to the height of your building. The optical scan system for mattresses sizes detection guarantees full autonomy in managing the multilevel storage floor. It featuers, mattress passage control, automatic size reading , full discharge function, production counter, LAN installed.


Main features
– Max. Load 550 Kg
– Capacity up to 24 single mattresses*
– Max width of passage cm. 210
– >Standard height of multilever floor cm. 25 or cm. 30

*The maximum capacity depends on the mattresses sizes and to the useful height of your mill.