G 6000
Research, development and innovation provided to manufacturers of box assembled mattresses with “hot-melt” process.
Standard composition:
2 driving blocks with electronic speed control and non-sticking conveyor belts; 1 motorized assembly desk with divisible and adjustable edges to conform to the different types and sizes of mattresses. the edges feature non-sticking conveyor belts too; 1 four sliding axis control unit for nozzles including position optical sensors and individual activation with 8 perimetric and 5 central selections, (extra selections on request); 1 rotating motorized press with 3 -way electronic selector, box stop position sensors, electronic timer for just pressing process . Touch-screen monitor console for complete process managing, function control, program setting, nozzle activation etc., NORDSON DURA BLUE melter , 2 gear pumps controlled by inverter and split valves, start-off timer.
TGM 3.0 Electronic cutter: Specific cutter machine for felts and felt coupling for mattresses featuring selvage trimmers with motor blades, multifunction programmer to set measures and cut recipes, speed and production control. The cut is made through a 300 mm HSS steel blade that can be programmed for automatic sharpening. “TGM 3.0 ELECTRONIC” cutter machine is provided of a motor feeder to carrying felt rolls to be loaded into rotating warehouses.The machine is set up to fit in production lines and in combination with Z 200 A.
Ribbons of 100% silicone high thickness linen;
Modem remote assistance for full control.